
Showing posts from 2010

I am blessed - II

that every day we are choosing either to be grateful or to be disappointed. We can worry to no end about what we don't have. Or we can marvel at God's breathtaking gifts: the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Could we create any of these? These miracles of life are always around us, ready to be celebrated, ready to be welcomed into your life.


From the subscription of my daily dose of " What do you think of God wants You to Know ? " On this day of your life, we believe God wants you to know ... that faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty. Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!