This is an old incident, worth thinking on for everything!!! Two cousins – “Good” and “Naughty”, of same age, say around 7-8 years met at their grandparents place. As their pseudo names suggest, Good is obedient, Naughty is defiant; Good is accommodating, Naughty is stubborn and they both differs in practically everything from eating habits to other activities. Good’s mom made him eat everything, every vegetables even if Good likes it or not; Naughty’s mom couldn’t make him all vegetables, he used to eat only potatoes. At Grandma’s place, grandma prepared Brinjal which is disliked by both Good and Naughty. But, Good is ready to Brinjal because of his mom’s sake, whereas Naughty refuses to eat as he wants only potatoes. [ Potatoes happens to be liked by both of them .] Grandma appreciates Good for his wonderful behaviour, as he eats Brinjal, lots of praises for our “good” boy. On the other hand, Grandma prepares potatoes for Naughty and tells him he is not worth of any praises. So far s...