Save Paper

Presenting some tips for saving paper, help in reducing global warming. All of these aren't new, but we seldom use:
What we can do
  • Use both sides of the paper (also known as duplex printing)
  • Go digital -- save on postage by sending files electronically, and let your client decide whether to print them, ofcourse PDF the files before sending!!
  • Print only what is necessary
  • Unless confidential, use the other (blank) sides of old printouts as rough paper
  • Eco Tip Signatures – Append a line in the email such as:Before printing, think about the environment or Please consider environment before printing this email

How come such a simple gesture CAN make such a difference? Imagine how many sheets of paper are uselessly printed during the day all around the world!!! Tons of paper and thousand of trees could be saved if we just gave a thought before printing it.
Do I really need this printed?? This is the question that we need to do before punching that button. And just add a message in the bottom of your email info and let´s carry the word away!!!

Figures speak more than words

  • According to a recent TIME magazine article, if every American household paid bills online, it would reduce solid waste by 1.6 billion pounds and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2.1 million tons each year.
  • Memos, reports, invoices, forms, presentations and instructions are the trademark of a busy office - and signal the vital role paper plays in it every day. But workers throw away 45% of documents within 24 hours of printing them, according to studies by Xerox.

Individually we may not reach such numbers, but collectively and together we can reduce the usage of paper, save trees and help World!!


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