I am blessed

A recent experience, when life was going through tough times, I felt jealous, jealous of people who have "somethings" that I don't, and will take time and god's will to have in future. I thought do these people realise how blessed they are, for what they have others (like me) don't.

A second thought just flashed simultaneously, am I aware that I am too blessed with other things which others may not have. It can be anything from having a family, or a home, or a job, or having limbs, etc. etc. I never thought that I am blessed with so many things, until this experience and I thank god for everything I have.

Just a note: Of all the thoughts above doesn't mean I don't deserve "somethings" I long for. Its just that I have to try and keep my faith and hopes alive. I wish to see a bright sunny day after a long, dark night.


Pratik said…
In ur letters, I see one of the wonderful ways of making ourselves realize that we are hapeeee...and i think this works amazingly towards building a habit of living life positively....its like "come what may, we are still happeeee!!". A lovely thought !!

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