Be Positive

It happened yesterday. In the overcrowded canteen, I was sitting all alone on a table, enjoying my sandwich.

I was engrossed in my eating and than somebody asked "Can I join you?".
"NO" (how rude I can be?).

"I am sorry, I thought you asked me 'Is somebody joining you'..
You may please take the seat", I corrected.

The most often question in the canteen asked to me in such situation "Is anybody joining you" and I am so used to saying "NO".

Most questions asked to us, has a negative answer and we are so used to answer in negative, that without pondering on the questions our answer is "NO".

I realized that questions can be asked to get a positive reply. Infact years back, in my audit days, I had a practice of positive speaking or writing. I mean I restricted the usage of words like "not", "didn't" "doesn't"...I have realized the difference then and now
Then, I did not worry about happenings
Now, smallest event makes me worries
Then, I enjoyed every single minute
Now, I lack time for myself
Then, Laughter, happiness, satisfaction
Now, displeasure, frustration,
We make choices...

We decide to be negative or BE POSITIVE


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