I love that job...

Sharing my envious feeling for two jobs...

Music all the way...
I had a meeting at Taj in Bombay. After the meeting, when I was passing through the lobby, I saw a man playing a piano. I sat there for a while enjoying the music. He was playing awesome to entertain his customer.

He was enjoying his work and was visible in his music. Perhaps, he loved his job (and who wouldn't love such job?)..

Well I am not jealous of him, as I cant play any musical instruments, but I am jealous of being in the job he would love to do most.

Let the flowers bloom...
At ICICI Towers, the lobbies on each floor has series of pots of small plants. Everyday, through that glass partition I see this man.. watering the plants, cleaning the pot, cutting some dead leaves... basically gardening.

I envy him, since gardening is one of my hobby and I didn't have enough time to pursue it.

I always wonder, till date, why I envy these men's jobs...
Even, I would like to do a job, which satisfies me to the core of my heart, something I would love to do it everyday... than what is stopping me or keeping me back in this boring job? Is it MONEY, STATUS, SECURITY, POWER, REPUTATION or just my mindset?

Or looking in a different perspective, I can change my routine... I will work for MONEY and pursue my hobbies for my PLEASURE... is this called a "work-life balance"?


Ravi said…
Hmm.. knew about gardening as ur hobby... and jus got to know that you want to play music as well..

Gud... tabla kab bajja rahee ho :DD

Keep writing!!!

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