Let the fear go…

#1: Fear of losing job

Last week had been really busy, in amidst of work; I was put on working on financial model for the company. I love excel and every time I use excel I get excel in my work. I was given a half baked model to work on. I hate working on half work done by others and then I spotted mistakes in one mistake… that’s it.. took me more than 3 days to understand and correct all mistakes only to realize that the model isn’t working because of too many hard codes… Am back to square one and prepare a new model in less than a 2 days.. I ended working over weekend to see that next morning bosses changed all the parameters!!
And then balance sheet wasn't tallying, and to add to the nightmare currency of company was presented in US$ whereas it was local currency.

I had terrible time, frustrated and tired of working on model. That night I went to bed and said, what worst can happen? I quit, they sack me or I leave my career as financial analyst and remain house wife forever.. whatever happens, they aren’t going to hang me till death. I said I will see what worst can happen. Without even looking at model I slept, slept peacefully.

Next morning, voila, my balance sheet tallied, model was working with no errors and above all it was user friendly!!!

Hey I said Adieu to my fear and I was working efficiently. Now, I work with the same attitude… what worst can happen… and live there after


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