Aren't we better off?

In April, Mumbai is hot and humid, May was just about to begin in sometime. When there is 20% power cut directed by Mumbai Electricity Board, our organization immediately issued certain direction to minimize the utilization of electricity. Among the many such directives, one such order to save power was minimization of the Air Condition.

"Can you imagine its so hot and the AC will not be working at the optimum level.
How can you expect an employee to work in this condition."
"How can they expect us to be productive enough in this heat?"
That was the general talk in the canteen.

Most of us were unhappy with the directives issued. We could only crib, cribbing was a second nature to us.

I admit, I too crib for sometime, as mentioned earlier, cribbing is second nature to us.

On one of the Saturdays, on my usual visit to a temple in Malad, I boarded a bus and carefully select a window seat which didn't face the sunlight.

While the traffic was slow moving, I saw an old man pulling a hand cart loaded with goods. He was sweating. The clothes he wore were torn and dirty. The chappals can broke anytime. The most useful thing he had was is gamcha, a big towel, which he used to wipe his face from the sweat.

So the cribbers, we are better off, aren't we?

We have atleast a roof above while we work, decent clothing and lifestyle, and above all some days off.


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