Taking the first step

Sometimes taking the ‘first step’ becomes so difficult. There is war of thoughts on pros and cons of any event.
I wonder, why do we resist so much for the “change”?

I went ahead for a “change”…
… It started with a feeling to help someone to make living better and went to a stage where I wish I could help atleast one child to have a good education and a better life.

These thoughts were housed for quite sometime, deep within my heart, and some or the other factors delayed it further, (maybe, I was scared to admit my feeling and go ahead with it).

There was a constant brawl deciding on ‘the first step’ and the skirmish still continues.

As always, I discussed this with my husband. I thought, he will consider me an absurd (that’s too much of negative thinking I know). He was very calm when I told about my thoughts. In a composed tone, he said that he agrees with me (I am shocked) and he showed me the way.

Next day, I took my first step. A basic decision on the amount I was willing to share and the right cause for it helped me to a great extent.

The next step was a simple google search which showed some of the good websites. My hunt for the perfect match for the cause ended at http://www.nanhikali.org/

I feel so light, so happy and fully contended.

Sometimes the fear of 'doing' or 'not doing' certain things, takes over us so much that we actually miss the benefits of “change”.. you may miss the biggest happiness around

Think, discover your goals and happiness..
take the 'first step' towards it.


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